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Take Action - Help us Succeed

Donate----Sign the Pledge----Volunteer----Get RtB Mailings----Get a Yard Sign

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THANK YOU! We rely on your donations which make it possible to organize and promote events, pay speakers, advertise in newspapers and maintain our website and mailing lists. Please consider your donation as an investment in defending democracy from extremism.

Sign the Pledge

Read the values and principles that are uniting the political lives of thousands of your neighbors in these tumultuous times.  If you find yourself nodding your head, join our movement, sign the pledge!

volunteer rtb


We are doing great things together! You can get involved by sharing your skills and talents for social media, database management, event planning, speaking, tabling events, and administrative tasks.

Join* our mailing list!

*Joining our contact list will not cause your information to appear on our website endorsement list and we will not share your contact information.  Once enrolled, please add to your contacts to assure that our emails do not go to your spam folder.*


Let us know if you want a "Country Before Party" sign for your yard or your common area.  Email us at

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