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Voter Information Resources

The League of Women Voters of Colorado has prepared non-partisan information about the 14 ballot issues that will appear on the Nov. 5 ballot.


LWV webpage: election pocket guide, a list of election resources, in-depth analysis of each individual measure, links to the Blue Book and VOTE411 (the League’s one stop website for candidate and ballot issue information, voter registration) and more.



40-minute video presentation on each of the issues, with what a yes or no vote means, why it is on the ballot, and fiscal consequences.



The Western Alliance of Colorado has prepared information on how to vote in Western Colorado available on their website.  



They also sponsored a Mesa County Commissioner Candidate Forum on October 18th, 2024 with all candidates present to discuss the issues facing our county.  A local news story covering the event is at this link:



The full program was very informative which you can watch in a video replay at this link: 


Restore the Balance in partnership with the Colorado Mesa University Civic Forum and the Young Forwardists hosted a panel discussion on ranked choice voting/instant runoffs, open primaries and specifics on Colorado Proposition 131.  Moderated by Dr. Tim Casey, CMU Professor of Political Science, the panel included Kent Thiry, Colorado Voters First, Sheila Reiner, Former Mesa County Clerk and Recorder, Josh Daniels, Former Utah County Clerk and Ranked Choice Voting Consultant, and Maeve Sunseri, CMU student and election reform researcher.  You can watch a video replay at this link (note the 30 minutes of dead air at the beginning, skip to minute 31:35 for the start of the program).


The Grand Junction Chamber of Commerce is excited to release our 2024 Fall Election Guide, a resource designed to help our community navigate the upcoming ballot measures and understand how each could impact our economy. Our mission remains clear: to advocate for policies that encourage business success, job creation, and overall community well-being.


The Chamber’s approach to elections is non-partisan. Our focus is not on political parties or individuals, but on the policies that affect the livelihood of our businesses and the future of Grand Junction.

The Editorial Board of the Grand Junction Daily Sentinel has published their analyses and recommendations on the candidates, Propositions and Ballot Measures on this year's ballot.  



Related reporting:


Colorado Public Radio publishes one of the more comprehensive guides for voters covering Amendments and Propositions, Congressional Races, Judicial Elections and Board of Education and Regents.  







The Office of Judicial Performance Evaluation supports all Commissions on Judicial Performance across the state.  It provides standards and performance evaluations to inform voters deciding on the retention of sitting judges presented on the 2024 ballot.

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