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Questionnaires are indispensable to voters

Betsy Longenecker

Betsy Longenecker

Letter to the Editor

Grand Junction Daily Sentinel

July 26, 2024

There have been letters to the paper in the last few months congratulating those candidates who chose not to respond to the Restore the Balance candidate questionnaire. Apparently, some felt questions were “unfair.” I’d like to know how. Candidates choose to run for office; candidates owe prospective constituents answers.

Let’s make the questions simpler:

  1. Do you ever seek out and listen to opinions other than your own?

  2. Would you break ranks with party leadership if you felt that you were being asked to do something unconstitutional or against the nation’s best interest?

  3. Do you use name-calling and intimidation against your opponents?

  4. Do you tolerate or encourage violence for the resolution of political differences?

  5. Are you interested in uniting this country, rather than dividing it ?

If you feel that these are “gotcha “questions, explain how. Tell me how you intend to serve your constituents and your country by slavishly toeing either party line. Do you intend to serve the interests of all your constituents or just the ones who never question the dogma?

The majority of Mesa County voters are “unaffiliated.” Many of us have a mix of views — some are more traditionally conservative, some more traditionally progressive and some are somewhat libertarian in nature.

We don’t like to be put in an ideologic “box.” And we do more than just check an “R” or a “D” box when we vote; we read answers to questionnaires.


Grand Junction


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