Well, summer is almost over. 2023 has flown by and RTB has been particularly busy
over the last several months. Since the start of the year we have:
Rated candidates in the Grand Junction Municipal Election and published voter information. Congratulations Scott Beilfuss, Cody Kennedy, Jason Nguyen, and Anna Stout, who were elected to the City Council.
Surveyed our membership to learn more about who we are and what your priorities are. Complete survey results are available on our website, restorethebalance.org.
Held our annual meeting on May 17, featuring panel presentations and facilitated exercises designed to prioritize RTB actions. Four hundred supporters attended. A big thank you to our panel of former legislators, Bernie Buescher, Gayle Berry, Tim Foster, and Dan Prinster. Also, our thanks to facilitators Dr. Tim Casey of Colorado Mesa University and Dr. Leah Sprain of the University of Colorado.
Participated in Juneteenth celebrations in Lincoln Park.
Refined our seven principles in response to supporter comments and to clarify our message.
Successfully opposed a proposal by the State Republican Central Committee designed to keep unaffiliated voters from participating in the Republican primary election next fall. Thanks to our Republican elected officials and Republican Central Committee members who voted against the change in the bylaws.
Corrected mis-impressions by rebutting false accusations published in the newspaper regarding RTB’s purposes, actions, and positions.
Met with numerous community leaders and organizations to spread the word about RTB.
Increased the number of endorsers from 2,600 at the start of the year to over 2,800 today.
We are excited to announce that Delta and La Plata County have recruited members, formed leadership teams, and signed agreements with RTB to operate branches in those two counties. More information about those branches will soon be available on our website. To join RTB-Delta County, email rtbdeltacounty@gmail.com. For La Plata, email rtblaplatacounty@gmail.com. If you are a supporter interested in forming a branch in your home county, please contact us at restorethebalance@outlook.com.
We held a tabling event at Colorado Mesa University to help spread our message to students and faculty. Many engaged young people stopped by to say hello.
Election season has arrived. It’s time to put up your RTB yard signs. If you didn’t get one before we ran out last year, our popular yard signs will be available for pick-up on Saturday, September 30, 2-4 p.m. in the parking lot of the Central Library in Grand Junction. Please reserve your sign by email at: restorethebalance@outlook.com.
T-shirts: $5 • Bumper Stickers: $2
Our member survey indicated a good deal of interest regarding Ranked Choice Voting (RCV). As part of RTB’s voter information role, we held an educational but fun event on September 12 at Edgewater Brewery called “Rank the Beers.” RTB hosted Ranked Choice Voting Colorado (https://rcvforcolorado.org) in Grand Junction to conduct this mock election explaining how Ranked Choice Voting works. Over 80 people attended this lively event, with Edgewater’s Lands End Amber being voted the clear winner. RCV Colorado’s PowerPoint presentation is posted to our website. Check it out.
New and Improved Website
We are in the process of updating the RTB website. While still under construction, the new site will have more information, be more easily navigated, contain pages for our new branch organizations, contain up-to-date news about critical issues, and allow access to all RTB candidate surveys and reports. It will still allow new supporters to endorse the pledge and provide an easy means of investing in RTB.
School District 51 Election
One of RTB’s highest-regarded activities is our candidate ratings. We are in the process of completing a candidate survey for the upcoming School District 51 board election. Every candidate for the board will be asked to complete a questionnaire. Each questionnaire is scored using a system aimed at determining a candidate’s skills, experience, knowledge of pertinent issues, and — most importantly — their concurrence with our values and willingness to stand up against extremism. Once the scoring is completed, RTB will publish the candidates’ responses in their entirety and the point rating ascribed to each by the Board of Directors.
Get Involved
What can you do? Write letters to the editor, spread the RTB word on social media, invite us to speak at your group luncheon or organization’s meeting, volunteer for candidates who endorse our principles, recruit younger voters.
Want to help?
We need volunteers for database management using Excel, communications using Mail Chimp, social media management, event planning and management, and fundraising. Contact us at restorethebalance@outlook.com.
Wine and Civil Conversation
You are invited on October 12 to Sauvage Spectrum Winery in beautiful Palisade at 5.30 p.m. for “Wine and Civil Conversation.” This event will feature more information from Restore the Balance and give supporters the chance to share ideas for opposing extremism. Bobbie Gross, Mesa County Clerk and Recorder, will provide an overview of the transparency of the election process in Mesa County. Local elected officials and candidates for School District 51 Board of Education will be invited. Mark your calendars and stay tuned for more information.
We could not do any of this without the incredible help
we receive from our volunteers, partners, and donors.
Sincere thanks to Colorado Mesa University, The Grand Junction
Daily Sentinel, our scores of volunteers, and our generous donors.
Like us on FaceBook (facebook.com/restorethebalancecolorado) and share our posts with
your friends. Check us out on Instagram (instagram.com/restorethebalancecolorado/).