Same Mission, New Approach
The new year has been busy! In our evolving political climate, the RTB Board will be working to more clearly identify the actions and behaviors we find either acceptable or unacceptable to our mission of reducing political extremism and improving collaboration among people with differing views.
The interpretations of “extremism” and “collaboration” can change over time, and we believe it is more useful to focus on specific behaviors that are worthy of both praise and criticism. As such, when considering a given issue, we will first use the Rule of Law and the Constitution as a base litmus test when deciding what issues will require our action and engagement.
As circumstances change in the political environment, we may be adding to our stated principles to evolve with those changes. This may include specific language emphasizing adherence to existing laws and long-held constitutional protections. We will be using these standards when evaluating candidates in upcoming local elections and in Town Hall meetings and other events that support good governance.
Modernizing Messaging
Furthermore, we have ramped up our social media presence to support our activities. To help with this effort, we want to hear from YOU! Please let us know in a few words why you are a supporter of Restore the Balance. We will not publish your name on social media, we will just share your comment followed by “RTB member", (City).
Candidate Ratings
In keeping with our long-standing tradition of providing an analysis of candidates for public office, RTB has once again distributed candidate questionnaires to seven candidates for Grand Junction City Council. Our ratings are almost completed, and the results will be distributed on or around March 15, 2025. Election day is April 8th, but ballots may go out as early as March 17th. Get informed and don't forget to vote!
Almost time for RTB's 2025 Spring Gathering
Lastly, please plan to attend our Spring Gathering to learn more about the RTB agenda – it will be held on May 21 at 7.00 p.m. in the CMU University Center ballroom. More details will follow via email.
Thank you for your support.
RTB Board of Directors
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Click here
or send money to:
Restore the Balance
PO Box 1403
Grand Junction, CO 81502
Restore the Balance is a 501(c)4 organization.
Donations are not tax-deductible.
Donor information is not publicly shared.
Thank you for your continued support of Restore the Balance.